There has already been more than one year since the current pandemic started. One year lived with restrictions, confinements, deaths and illness. A year during which I was planning to visit my family overseas, but couldn’t. Quite some disruption!
This might be a good time to ask my cards what can be done about it. Not what can be done medically or politically, I leave that to more qualified people. But more in the sense of how we can grow through this crisis. I could have done a grand tableau with Lenormand, but I thought that the Tarot would be the perfect tool for this kind of questionnement. The question I asked is: How do we evolve and live serenely despite this covid crisis?

If I was to resume the line with the majors in a few concepts, it would tell to meet a few people, explore, resource yourself in nature, all this at the rhythm of the crises.
I’m really not surprised to see the lovers as the first card. After all, what would we become in total isolation? We have here a card that tells you that being with others is still important. There’s just a warning from the queen of swords on top of it. Pick your groups wisely. At least that queen puts some logic in the head of the person in the middle of the lovers, as he is all about doubt, hesitancy.
I like the world following the lovers. On one plan, the wreath gives the idea of protecting yourself. On another, it is an invitation to move around and explore. Technology allows us to explore the world, to meet groups virtually, it does not always need to be in person. Even the name of the card speaks about worldwide exploration, which can only be virtual at the moment. This might be a good idea. Meet groups online, there are groups on every kind of hobby you might have, what you could be interested in. At least it would give the contentment of the 9 of cups, our wish fulfilled.
The star gives us hope, go resource yourself. Find a goal to chase, go visit mother nature. At least, alone in nature, you don’t risk much, squirrels and birds are not going to infect you. Imitate the card, go to the river, do your ablutions, celebrate nature.
I find it quite relevant that the queen of sword and the knight of coins, both turn their back to the 9 of cups: we cannot always get our wish fulfilled. Think about what you want to do. After all, the world reminds us to protect ourselves, which often puts some restrictions on what is available to us.
Looking at the last 4 cards, I’m always amazed by the wisdom of the tarot, how a few random cards can become so significant. We’re on the wheel, the world turns with ups and downs. The crank of the wheel is pointing to the tower, crises, new waves of the virus are the trigger deciding how that wheel turns.
The sphinx on the top of the wheel looks like a mini version of the king of swords on top. This might certainly be seen as a state official, or someone in power who decides when to make that wheel turn and when to make it stop. He’s looking at the 5 of wands, the card of group activities. He’s regulating up to which point groups can meet without falling in the tower scenario.
Deck: CBD Conver, by Yoav Ben-Dov
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