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New Year, New Resolutions

It has been a long time since my last article. For a while, I liked YouTube better, but it is still not ideal for me. Don’t get me wrong, doing videos is great, but trying to manage 2 different languages makes that particular media difficult. I don’t want to repeat the same content doing...

Positional Spreads with Lenormand

For a long time, I have been completely opposed to using positional spreads with Lenormand. Well, kind of. While it’s true that I don’t use them much, they can have some utility. But I strongly believe that for most questions, using lines and tableaus are better as cards can be used in association....

Free Associations

What makes Lenormand powerful is freeform readings. There’s nothing worse than shoehorning Lenormand into small positional spreads, like the french cross. Free flowing is key when interpreting Lenormand....

Tarot or Lenormand?

If there is something people asking for a reading have difficulties expressing, it’s their choice between Lenormand or Tarot. Why one, or why the other? Or course, some know one of these tools and for them the choice is easy. But what of the others?...

Revisiting the Thoth Spread

Spreads come and go, we all like to change from time to time. About a dozen years ago, there was a spread I used quite a lot. I found it in the little white book that came with the Thoth Tarot. I see now that it’s usually referred to as the thoth spread…...

Houses in Small Spreads

As we’ve seen in grand tableaus, using the houses is an invaluable technique, which can give a lot of precision in our readings. With a little bit of imagination, it is certainly also possible to use houses in smaller spreads....

13 Cards

The way we look at some spreads changes over time. I have often used different kinds of a 13 card draw in the past. I would like to show you how this spread evolved in my practice, and how I use it today....

Revisiting the French Cross

I’ve never hidden my admiration for Marcel Picard. His first book “le Langage Secret du Tarot” started my love affair with the Tarot de Marseille. And even if later my style evolved with other influences, and starting to have my own view on the cards and their symbolism, I must admit that his influence...

Improve your Accuracy

How accurate are you when reading Lenormand for yourself? Or when reading for others? If you read only for yourself, it might not be as important. But if you start reading for others, being able to read the cards correctly is a must....

The Court Cards

Cartomancy in Lenormand seems to be a subject not always very well understood. While I already wrote on that subject, I want to concentrate today on the court, kings, queens, and jacks....

A Grand Tableau

I love the grand tableau, this is the spread where Lenormand really shines. There’s nothing coming close to having all 36 cards on the table, and starting to analyze a problem the same way you would look at directions on a map....

One Year Already

There has already been more than one year since the current pandemic started. One year lived with restrictions, confinements, deaths and illness. A year during which I was planning to visit my family overseas, but couldn’t. Quite some disruption!...

Tradition or Intuition

The question of using tradition or intuition is one I see often in various cartomancy and tarot groups. Being a traditional reader or an intuitive reader. Well, most people use these terms without even defining them....

A Tarot Pyramid

I have never hidden my admiration for Marcel Picard. I consider his first book being my initiation into the Tarot de Marseille. Thinking back about my beginnings, I spent hours and hours reading and re-reading that book and practicing with a Grimaud....

A New Year

I love Lenormand for its predictive powers. But I would never limit the deck to giving predictions. It can be as good when questions are about advice. I think there is a myth in the cards communities that tarot is good for advice and Lenormand is good for predictions....