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Listening recently to an interview of Bjorn Meuris, a wonderful Petit Lenormand reader from Belgium, I was remembered of a new practice I have seen in the last few years. It has become quite common, when looking at facebook groups and online forums, that new elements have been added to the Petit Lenormand system....

Kate’s destiny

A few days ago, Kate came for a general reading for the next 3 months. Kate is in her late 20’s, single and works freelance in the design business. For general readings, I always found that nothing beats a grand tableau; I interpret these with what is called the method of distance, where the...

Quick tip

Just a quick tip today, as I’m on vacation and will be unavailable for the next 10 days. In your daily and weekly readings, If you tone down your interpretations, they will become more realistic. Just to illustrate what I mean, here is an recent example found in a cartomancy forum, it was a...

15 Cards on the table

These last few months, I have been experimenting with a spread described in Mary Marco’s 1989 book. She calls it “réponse immédiate à une question précise”, which could be translated to “immediate response to a precise question”. It consists of 3 lines of 5 cards. What attracts me to this spread, is that it...

Maybe Yes, Maybe No

When looking at most facebook groups and forums, it seems that there is a lot of confusion on how to reply to a yes/no type of question. We find many different methods, mostly having to do with the cards insets or a predefined list of positive, negative and neutral cards. I don’t believe these...

Next Step

Every so often, it becomes necessary to check where we are in our journey with the cards and what the next step should be. After all, stagnation is never a good idea and brings us nowhere. The last few years have been quite interesting in terms of learning and practicing, be it with Lenormand,...