Cartomancy Full Time

I finally quit my 9 to 5 job. No backup. Working in the corporate world was becoming more and more painful. Now, cartomancy has become my full time job. That should give me more time to update this blog regularly and also will allow me to be more available for readings and of course for chatting about cards. I’m always open for that.

I have a few projects, related to the cards, coming soon. The first one will be a series of classes on Lenormand, via video conference. More stuff to come, I will update you when something starts to materialize itself.

As this is a transition period, I asked my cards the question “what can I expect in my professional life over the next few weeks?” I used the 12 cards trigger spread that I documented on this blog a few months ago. Or was it last year? Wow, time is fling! Before pulling the cards, I set the time span for the 3rd and 4th columns to respectively 1 and 3 months. I did not preselect a particular card for the trigger, I let the cards fall and indicate what I should pay attention to.



The trigger is the Scythe, that could be an indication of danger, and things to cut, starting by decluttering. Left and right of the Scythe, we find the Garden and the Dog. And that’s probably where the Scythe gets its meaning, there is a cut in my entourage, a diminution. Going from a big corporation to a home business, I will be in contact with much less people. I expect the Dog to be a faithful group with whom I can start building more around my business. The Tree shows something taking root, growing slowly. 

All good and kind of expected. Now let’s look at the columns.

 For the past, we have the star, the garden and the moon. The last few months were spent trying to establish my goals (star) and grow the crowd following me on social media (the garden). The hope that promises the star, is of course to wish to increase my reputation (moon) or at least show what I can do.

The tower, the scythe and the rider for the present. The corporate world of of tower is now becoming a thing of the past, it has been definitely cut a few days ago. Now, I am like the rider, hurrying up to put things in place. The rider is looking at the moon, which is interesting as I just refreshed my blog, the reflexion of what I do. With the rider, there should be also a few customers coming my way.

For the next month, we have the lily, the dog and the mice. The lily is about experience and wisdom, what I’m trying to give in my readings. Combined with the letter on the right, I’ll certainly put more advice articles on my blog. The dog is representing a friendly, reliable base to start building my own business. Even if that results in stress with the mice, and also because I might get less than what I would expect at the beginning, mice could also be talking about some erosion in finances and being careful with spending. 

For the following 2 months, I see things improving slowly. The Letter of course can represent all forms of communication, so there is a good sign of getting more readings. And the Tree shows a steady, but slow, growth. That should allow me to explore more options, give more choices. Long term, I can see these last 3 cards as something to do with writing.

The most encouraging sign in this reading is that we have only 1 club and 2 diamonds. The reading is dominated by hearts and spades, a good sign on progression into something I like.

Deck: Maybe Lenormand by Ryan Edward


  1. Walter
    September 21, 2019

    Starting new ventures is exciting and scary all at once. Doing something we love is the way to find joy in our life. I look forward to reading about your future adventures in cartomancy and what comes next for you. Bonne chance!

    1. Serge Pirotte
      September 21, 2019

      Thank you so much. Yes, it’s really exciting!

  2. Paul
    September 26, 2019

    Bonne chance mon professeur! I am excited for you and the new directions in your life. You have been a treasure of knowledge and inspiration for me, as has your blog. I look forward to both enriching my path with the Lenormand in the near future. Best regards! PHR

    1. Serge Pirotte
      September 26, 2019

      Thank you so much Paul, that means a lot.

  3. nora
    September 29, 2019

    mucha suerte profesor Pirotte in your new path, Iam looking forward to learn more and more from you. nora.

  4. nora
    September 29, 2019

    buena suerte profesor Pirotte in your new path,Iam looking forward to learn more and more from you!. Nora.

    1. Serge Pirotte
      September 29, 2019

      Thank you so much

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