Respecting Nature

I am a traditional reader. I never made any secret either that I see cards more in concepts or function than in an arbitrary list of keywords made up by who knows who. But even more important is respecting nature and how it behaves. What does all this have to do with Lenormand? More than you could think.

Let’s consider today three cards of creatures living in the wild, the mice, the snake and the stork. And what kind of interaction could happen in between them. Of course, I’m talking about the behavior of predators and preys.

Let’s consider first the snake. They eat small rodents, like the mice. What does it mean in a reading. We can conspire that if the snake is facing the mice, it will eat them like it would happen in the wild. So, if the snake is looking at the mice, it will remove them and their influence from the reading. If if snake is not looking at the mice, we’ll agree that the snake does not see them and they will keep their usual aspects of theft, stress, …

Same reasoning with the stork. Storks are predators of small preys, and they eat small snakes and mice. By the same reasoning, if the stork in a spread is facing either the snake to the mice, it will remove their influence form the reading. If the stork is facing the other way, the other cards will keep their influence.

Lets consider two examples, with these three cards, but in different order. We will keep the same question. A person is asking if they’re going to get a promotion at work.



Here, we have mice, stork, and snake.

If we apply the mentioned rules, the stork is facing the mice, and looking away from the snake. In practical terms, we can rule the mice out of the reading, the notion of stress related to the mice is removed.

As a consequence, the stork shows a change for a better place, that happens with some complications under the snake influence. We could consider the response positive, the person will get the promotion, but with some complications.



In the second example, we have stork, mice, and snake. Two cards were swapped. 

As we can see, the stork does not see the mice nor the snake, and the snake is looking away from the mice. As a consequence, all three cards keep their importance.

If we interpret, we have a gloomier view. The stork still shows a change, but a change leading to stress, like something is stolen from the consultant, in a poisonous atmosphere, the snake seems more that complications associated to the mice. All this leading to some loss and probably the person not getting the promotion, bypassed for someone else.

My Lenormand class, in the french language this time, will start end of November. This is how I teach, I am more interested in explaining the cards ans showing how to use them, rather than boring you with learning lists of keywords and definitions.


  1. Paul
    October 18, 2019

    Nothing has been more important and critical to my understanding of the cards, and in making a positive change in my reading ability, than to focus on function instead of keywords. It has made a world of difference. Thank you Serge for showing me that!

    Sadly most Lenormand books out there are nothing but pointless repositories of stale, out-moded, and even silly keywords supposedly derived from some “expert” or “tradition.”

    1. Serge Pirotte
      October 19, 2019

      We could not agree more, thank you.

  2. Alison Cross
    March 5, 2020

    Very interesting and I love these interpretations – make total sense! What about Bear, Serge?

    1. Serge Pirotte
      March 5, 2020

      Bear would be before all about their strength.

  3. Beverly Frable
    March 25, 2020

    You need to write a book. In English. LOL…I’m willing to beg if that will help.

    1. Serge Pirotte
      March 25, 2020

      Maybe, but it’s a lot of work. I’m considering video classes.

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