I have placed this blog on hiatus for a few weeks to give me the time to think about what I want it to become and check if some other media would be more interesting. And here comes youtube as a candidate.
I did a 7 cards tarot reading a few months ago that was hinting at some changes coming. Among others that I will implement later this year, the idea of using mostly a youtube channel in the future seems to me the most interesting. I plan to keep this blog too, but it would of course be updated less often.
I have no detail yet on how I am going to proceed, I plan to start after the vacations, beginning of September. I will probably do something bilingual French and English, like this blog.
For sure, I will be talking about my first passion, Lenormand. I will certainly also talk about the Tarot de Marseille, but Lenormand will be my main focus moving on. It is for me a return to the basics, what I enjoy the most doing.
As usual, I asked my cards about this idea, what should I know about doing a youtube channel.

The Letter as focal point is interesting of course, as the plan is to communicate about cards. But it is also about the message, how I can communicate remotely. In general, I see the Letter as non face to face communications, which is perfect for either this blog or a youtube channel. It might be a good idea to keep both.
Let’s have a look at the corners for the influences around this idea. Looking for a new base (anchor), something solid and stable that would give me inspiration and guidance for the long term (anchor, star). Clearly, there would be some success with something more elegant (than a blog) (sun, bouquet).
If we look at the diamond around the middle card for details, as first remark, we have 3 clubs in the 4 cards. This tells me right away that I can see some challenges to meet my goals. The Whip can show a correction in how I do things, switching to a new media which can be represented by the Book. The Whip being about how we debate, the new media would be a natural fit.
The book is also, of course, about research, which could be more difficult than planned as it is followed by the Mice and Snake: small annoyances, stress and complications. I can understand this, it is a real challenge, even in this blog, to keep it bilingual. If I have to add several playlists in multiple languages, controlling all this can become complex quickly. Technical details can be annoying sometimes.
If we look at the lines, starting at the bottom, there is a feeling of current success that could erode over the long term (bouquet, mice, start). That’s why I’m studying how I could navigate through the complexities of another media (book, letter, snake). I have on my mind to find a new, stable base to debate clearly, successfully (anchor, whip, sun).
This makes perfect sense to me. The beauty of the bouquet is eroding over time. Blogs are wonderful, but are used less than before. New media arrive all the time. People like interaction. Video is more attractive these days. As the last card shows, this is my long term goal.
We could also look at the diagonals and columns, but we have a lot of repetition of what was already said.
Deck: Lilac Dondorf
July 4, 2020
Serge, Bravo mon ami! Your reading was so clear and well stated, with nicely balanced nuances. I look forward to seeing what comes next in September. Bon chance!
July 4, 2020
Thank you Paul, I’m glad tou like the reading. My plan is currently a mix of techniques and readings.