New Year, New Resolutions

It has been a long time since my last article. For a while, I liked YouTube better, but it is still not ideal for me. Don’t get me wrong, doing videos is great, but trying to manage 2 different languages makes that particular media difficult. I don’t want to repeat the same content doing a voice over, and dealing with 2 sets of videos is challenging and time consuming.

A few days ago, my daily reading with the oracle Belline was this one:

Oracle Belline by Grimaud

I was puzzled for a while. The cards are asking what can I revive? What is there and abandoned that needs to come back? I have many projects I started a long time ago just waiting for the right moment. After some deliberation, I decided that it was this blog.

So, I’m back to blogging.

There is also the fact that from a practical point of view writing is easier for me. I can sit on my sofa, or even be on the road, and just grab my ipad and start putting down a few ideas, or even do a complete article that way. And I love writing, that’s an activity that soothes me. Much more interesting and rewarding than wasting time scrolling about what’s going on online! 

So, that’s my resolution for this year, blogging at least twice per month. I plan also to be less formal than before, my blog is not about giving classes, but expressing my opinions. I plan also to extend the range of subjects I will be writing about. As a result, you can expect to see a variety of different decks, and probably some weird questions, quite different than what we usually see.

As this is the first article for this year, I want to present the deck that I preferred in the ones I acquired in 2023, the belline of Johwan. It is not a secret that I love the oracle Belline and that I’m writing a book about it. So, you can expect some articles about it.

The oracle Belline has become for me close to the perfect deck, right in the middle between the tarot and Lenormand. Don’t get me wrong, I still love both of these, and use them a lot, but the Belline is special in the sense that, in my opinion, it is better than the tarot for prediction, and superior to Lenormand for advice.

So, when I only want to take one deck with me, it has become my deck of predilection. It has passed the test where it can reply to any question I throw at it.

Anyway, decks are just tools, and tools are not important, what is important is the information we can deliver with them. A little bit like a carpenter doing some work, we’re not going to ask him what hammer he is using. What we are looking for is what kind of work he can do. For me, the oracle Belline is my new hammer, and right now it feels very comfortable.

Let’s start by asking the Belline some general advice on what I should do with this blog. A spread I like a lot for these wide ranging questions is just made of 2 cards: what I see arriving, and how I can get there.

Le Belline de Johwan

No real surprise here, as Passions indicate that I can see coming driven literally by my passions. Writing about what I love, what makes my heart tick at a particular moment. A little bit like what I was explaining before, writing about what drives me at a particular moment, without a well defined direction. This blog is like these arrows on picture, going left and right depending on what interest me.

And of course, the way to get there is by communicating. Like that bird flying with an envelope, it will be important to deliver content. Not only that, but that card, under the influence of Mercury, is foremost about communication, communicating with others. And that includes certainly giving updates on social media about what I write, and discussing with others about it.

Well, I always love how a few cards drawn randomly are on point with the question, and can provide useful information.

Let’s look now at how this blog is going to evolve, with a simple french cross.

Le Belline de Johwan

We start with the same card as the last one in the previous reading. I don’t know about you, but I always look for these coincidences, I find them meaningful, as if the oracle is insisting on a particular point. And here, it is about writing and delivering. So, this is the most important aspect, trying to keep the deadlines (I promised twice monthly), keep coming with new subjects and write about what I like.

Nativity is what is causing trouble in this spread. A card that I’m not surprised to see in that position. It might of course express the difficulty to always come with new content, as opposed to what we see in News. But I can also see this card as something different. As I did not write any article in a long time, I have more than probably lost many followers, and it might take some time to get them back or gain new ones. Once again, that shows me that I need to communicate about this blog as shown by News on the other side.

Union can be seen as advice or what needs to be done in the extended present, which for me is up to 3 to 6 months. And this can be summarized in a single word: commitment. That’s what was also hinted at with News and also with Hazard as synthesis, I need to get things moving and regularly provide new content.

As long as I keep that wheel in the middle turning, the outcome I can expect is Honnors. What is interesting with Honnors is being recognized for the work accomplished. That does not mean especially a complete success where there is an automatic expansion of the blog, but it is more about getting soem recognition for the work done. Neat! I’ll take it!

Just a last word for today. I am not affiliated with that store, but if you want to acquire the Belline of Johwan, you can find it at this site.