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A Tarot Pyramid

A few days ago, I was in a coffee house looking at my cards, when a lady came to my table and asked me “why is my relationship with my husband so bad? I don’t know what to do anymore.”...

Respecting Nature

I am a traditional reader. I never made any secret either that I see cards more in concepts or function than in an arbitrary list of keywords made up by who knows who. But even more important is respecting nature and how it behaves. What does all this have to do with Lenormand? More...

The “Grand Jeu du Destin”

The grand tableau is not the only spread that can give a general overview when using the Petit Lenormand. There are several other spreads using less cards, the russian cross being one. Today, I’m going to show another alternative, which was described in Mary Marco’s 1989 book “Petit Lenormand, Methode de Cartomancie”....

Cartomancy Full Time

I finally quit my 9 to 5 job. No backup. Working in the corporate world was becoming more and more painful. Now, cartomancy has become my full time job. That should give me more time to update this blog regularly and also will allow me to be more available for readings and of course...

The Asshole

A few days ago, I was out, discussing with a friend, and of course Tarot became the main topic. You see, we both share a passion for a particular style, the Tarot de Marseille. And we started discussing about a reading he did for a man, some aspects remained unclear. A married man, no...

Lenormand for Advice Readings

Lenormand for advice. According to many people I see online I must not be serious! We hear everywhere that what is wonderful with Lenormand is how descriptive and down to earth it is, Tarot is the tool we normally use to give advice. I beg to differ. We can be descriptive with Tarot and...

Playing Detective with 36 Cards

Grand tableaus and Lenormand are a match made in heaven. And while it can be useful to do a general purpose grand tableau, these always leave me with a taste of not enough, they give you a little bit of information here and there, but not precise enough. The job is nice, the marriage...

Tarot Constellation

I like to experiment with new techniques, as it always us helps to progress in our art. Once in a while, I find something that I really want to experiment with and practice in depth, so one day I might include it in my own offerings....

Lenormand Houses.

When doing a past, present, future grand tableau with Lenormand, a popular technique to enrich the interpretation is to use houses. The houses are defined as if they were arranged numerically from 1 to 36 on the tableau, the Rider representing the first card in position 1, up to the Cross at position 36,...

Back to Basics

These last few weeks, I have been cutting more than adding to my arsenal of divination tools and techniques. New decks, new sources of information do not always bring much, sometimes they are just a source of distraction. I needed some period of peace and reflection on how I use my tools....

Keywords and Lists…

A few days ago, I threw a few Lenormand cards for a question asked by a friend, and that made me reflect about the usefulness of keywords. His daughter, college student, had a big test coming and was wondering if the result would be a success....


“What’s going on with my mariage?”, asked Suzan while she was sitting down at my table. “Let’s put a few cards on the table and try to get some meaningful information”, I replied while she was nodding....

Danger or Threat?

The scythe is always a difficult card to interpret. There is a fine line between real danger and perceived threat. The old instructions, known as the Philippe Lenormand sheet, are very specific, “the scythe indicates great danger, which will only be avoided if lucky cards surround it”....

Building on 3 Cards

In my last article, I described the technique I use to read a basic three cards reading. This minimal spread can be used as a building block for many others, and can also be extended easily as I’m going to explain concretely in this article....