Blog EN

A Celtic Cross

Internet can be a wonderful tool when doing some research. I never liked the celtic cross in the past, I always found the spread very static and I did not like much the positions used; “what covers you”, “what is before you”, etc… do not make much sense to me....

Reading with Majors Only

I have not been blogging on the Tarot de Marseille for a while. Some periods seem more auspicious to a system than another. Right now, with vacations over, I feel like returning to the Tarot for a while. ...

Near and Far in lenormand

Documentation on the Petit Lenormand has been very sparse until a few years ago. For example, the first book in french was written by Mary Marco and published in 1989, while the english speaking public had to wait until 2007 to get something....


I have placed this blog on hiatus for a few weeks to give me the time to think about what I want it to become and check if some other media would be more interesting. And here comes youtube as a candidate....

On Social Media

As for the moment, most of us spend our days inside, confined between four walls, it seems perfectly natural that interaction increased on social media. As we’re lacking real life contact, we naturally turn to what remains, the virtual world of FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and a few others. ...

Master Method

Experimentation is always good for the mind. Be it with Lenormand or the Tarot, I always like to try new things. It is my conviction that, as a reader, we always have to evolve. Being stuck in a method or a way of doing readings forever looks to me like anorexia, a slow death....


The times we are living in are strange, a situation most of us haven’t seen in our lifetime. Having to stay confined at home for probably quite some time, facing an enemy we cannot see. Nobody has a real idea on how the situation will evolve....

Double Lines with Lenormand

Conflicts, life is full of conflicts. Be it work, relationships, or most things in life, when someone comes for a reading, it is almost always because of some form of conflict. Husband and wife, worker and their boss, employee and the company, … these conflicts can take many different forms....

Square of 9 with the Tarot

Reading cards is like playing detective. There’s a problem, a concern, and we dig into our cards and spread to try to find useful information to detect what the problem is and what could be done to solve it....

Tirage en 7

An interesting spread to see the evolution of a situation is the 7 card draw. The 3 cards spread or french cross are very useful when it comes to taking advice for a decision. But if you want to have a longer-term overview, the 7 card spread is perfect....


Minors. These pesky minors. Coming from a french tradition, I have seen in my life a lot of people using the Tarot de Marseille with only the major arcana. And I must admit, that’s what I did for a long time too. For the minors, the typical responses vary from “too complicated”, or “they’re...

On Learning Tarot

So you want to learn Tarot? There are so many books, teachers, web sites, facebook groups around. And we all get lost while trying to learn, spending I don’t know how many hours, days, months, years sometimes, because of all that wide choice. ...